Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Looking forward to 2008

I am really excited for 2008. More than any other year, I feel as though I have made significant progress toward doing work I truly love, helping early stage companies with product vision, strategy and execution. I left Jobster in March, after helping found the company in 2004. I also returned to Microsoft for a short time to support my old team as a consultant.

I will start 2008 working with Verdiem, whose power management software aims to dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of IT devices in organizations of all sizes, while delivering tangible cost savings. Did you know that 15 PCs running for a year is equivilent to a midsize car in terms of CO2 emissions? More on Verdiem in a later post.

From a networking and relationships perspective, I expect this year to be very exciting as I watch many "Jobster alums" continue to make a go of it with their own early stage ventures. By my count, I know of at least 20 and probably close to 25 Jobster alum start-ups. If you broaden the scope to Jobster alums that went on to work for other startups, you easily can add another 15 ventures. What a great thing.

Last, but certainly not least, this year should also be a big year for us on the family front, as our youngest boy moves out of his terrible twos and starts using words to tell us what he needs rather than screaming at the top of his lungs :-)

Goodness all around...